Difference between Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML Schema Definition (XSD)

Document Type Definition and XML Schema Definition both contain a set of rules that control the structure and elements of XML files, but they are different in syntax and usage. They check whether an XML document has a valid structure or not. This article will discuss the difference between DTD and XSD.

What is Document Type Definition (DTD)?

DTD stands for Document Type Definition and DTD contains a set of rules that control the structure and elements of XML files. It is used to describe the attributes of XML language precisely. It can be classified into two types namely internal DTD and external DTD. It can be specified inside a document or outside a document. DTD mainly checks the grammar and validity of an XML document.

Features of DTD

Advantages of DTD

Disadvantages of DTD

What is XML Schema Definition (XSD)?

XSD stands for XML Schema Definition and it is a way to describe the structure of a XML document. It defines the rules for all the attributes and elements in an XML document. It can also be used to generate XML documents. It also checks the vocabulary of the document. It doesn’t require processing by a parser.

Features of XSD

Advantages of XSD

Disadvantages of XSD

Difference Between DTD and XSD

DTD are the declarations that define a document type for SGML. XSD describes the elements in a XML document.
It doesn’t support namespace. It supports namespace.
It is comparatively harder than XSD. It is relatively more simpler than DTD.
It doesn’t support datatypes. It supports datatypes.
SGML syntax is used for DTD. XML is used for writing XSD.
It is not extensible in nature. It is extensible in nature.
It doesn’t give us much control on structure of XML document. It gives us more control on structure of XML document.
It specifies only the root element. Any element which is made global can be done as root as markup validation.
It doesn’t have any restrictions on data used. It specifies certain data restrictions.
It is not much easy to learn . It is simple in learning.
File here is saved as .dtd File in XSD is saved as .xsd file.
It is not a strongly typed mechanism. It is a strongly typed mechanism.
It uses #PCDATA which is a string data type. It uses fundamental and primitive data types.


Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML Schema Definition (XSD) both specify and validate the structure of XML documents, but they differ significantly. DTD utilises its own syntax, and is simpler but less powerful, with no support for namespaces or data types. On the other hand, XSD, which is based on XML, provides comprehensive data type support, full namespace handling, increased flexibility, and extensibility, making it the ideal choice for complex XML applications.

Frequently Asked Questions on DTD and XSD – FAQs

Why XML schema is powerful than DTD?

The XML Schema gives a more detailed definition of the data structure than the DTD, mandating that is a string and is an integer.

Is mandatory to have a DTD or XSD for an XML file?

Why is DTD prohibited in this XML document?

The primary cause of this error is that the user’s ISP is trying to be helpful by redirecting the user to a DNS failure page rather than just failing when the DNS entry is invalid.