Resource Management in Operating System
Resource Management in Operating System is the process to manage all the resources efficiently like CPU, memory, input/output devices, and other hardware resources among the various programs and processes running in the computer.
Resource management is an important thing because resources of a computer are limited and multiple processes or users may require access to the same resources like CPU, memory etc. at the same time. The operating system has to manage and ensure that all processes get the resources they need to execute, without any problems like deadlocks.
Here are some Terminologies related to the resource management in OS:
- Resource Allocation: This terms defines the process of assigning the available resources to processes in the operating system. This can be done dynamically or statically.
- Resource: Resource can be anything that can be assigned dynamically or statically in the operating system. Example may include CPU time, memory, disk space, and network bandwidth etc.
- Resource Management: It refers to how to manage resources efficiently between different processes.
- Process: Process refers to any program or application that is being executed in the operating system and has its own memory space, execution state, and set of system resources.
- Scheduling: It is the process of determining from multiple number of processes which process should be allocated a particular resource at a given time.
- Deadlock: When two or more processes are waiting for some resource but resources are busy somewhere else and resources are also waiting for some process to complete their execution . In such condition neither resources will be freed nor process would get it and this situation is called deadlock.
- Semaphore: It is the method or tool which is used to prevent race condition. Semaphore is an integer variable which is used in mutual exclusive manner by various concurrent cooperative process in order to achieve synchronization.
- Mutual Exclusion: It is the technique to prevent multiple number of process to access the same resources simultaneously.
- Memory Management: Memory management is a method used in the operating systems to manage operations between main memory and disk during process execution.
Features or characteristics of the Resource management of operating system:
- Resource scheduling: The OS allocate available resources to the processes. It decides the sequence of which process will get access to the CPU, memory, and other resources at any given time.
- Resource Monitoring: The operating system monitors which resources is used by which process and also take action if any process takes many resources at the same time causing into deadlock.
- Resource Protection: The OS protects the system from unauthorized or fake access by the user or any other process.
- Resource Sharing: The operating system permits many processes like memory and I/O devices to share resources. It guarantees that common resources are utilized in a fair and productive way.
- Deadlock prevention: The OS prevents deadlock and also ensure that no process is holding resources indefinitely . For that it uses techniques likes resource preemption.
- Resource accounting: The operating system always tracks the use of resources by different processes for allocation and statistical purposes.
- Performance optimization: The OS optimizes resources distribution , the reason is to increase the system performance. For that many techniques like load balancing and memory management are followed that ensures efficient resources distribution.
Diagrammatically representation of the Resource management :