The contractual agreements between BCIT and the FSA are contained in a collective agreement and a series of agreements called “memoranda of agreements”, also known as Collective Agreement Memags or CA Memags.
CA Memags are negotiated by BCIT and the FSA between bargaining cycles and they serve different functions. Some CA Memags fill in perceived gaps in the FSA-BCIT Collective Agreement. Others vary provisions of the FSA-BCIT Collective Agreement in specific circumstances, such that those provisions operate differently than stated. Still other CA Memags establish an agreed upon interpretation and practice for provisions that have proved confusing or contentious.
In recent years, the FSA has taken steps to alter our previous practices regarding memoranda of agreements, including by entering into less agreements. Another aspect of this altered approach is to publish more CA Memags on our website than was previously the case. At BCIT’s request and because some agreements require it, the FSA will seek BCIT’s agreement to publish CA Memags that have never been published before. We also plan to publish CA Memags with annotations so that their terms make sense to members. If you have questions regarding any of these CA Memags, please contact the FSA.