Board of Governors

BOG - Code Annotated Board of Governors - Code Annotated

2.34.09 Admissions; General Undergraduate

Each applicant will submit a high school transcript and test results from the American College Test (ACT) and/or SAT test.

Admission decisions will be based on a full evaluation of each student's academic record, and on empirical data reflecting the characteristics of students who have successfully graduated from WSU within the four years prior to the year in which the student applies.

Transfer Applicants. A transfer applicant may be admitted, without consideration of high school work, upon completion of at least twenty-four (24) semester hours of transferable college-level work from an accredited college or university with an overall Grade Point Average of 2.5 If the applicant has fewer than twenty-four (24) semester hours of transferable college-level work, the applicant may be admitted provided provisions are met, subject to a holistic evaluation of each student's record. Individual courses with grades below "C" will not be accepted for transfer.

The President or his/her designee is authorized to grant a limited number of exceptions to any of the above admissions categories, under special circumstances.

After consultation with the College or School establishing the program, the President or his/her designee may designate categories of non-matriculant and/or Special Status admission, such as, but not limited to, Post-degree students, and Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies students.

After consultation with the College or School, the President or his/her designee is authorized to establish specific admissions standards for degree programs.

Legislative History

Adopted 1 February 2012. Prior Acts Official Proceedings 32:4351, 39:5163, 42:5552; Revised (04 December 2015); Revised (01 May 2020); Revised (19 June 2020); Revised (30 April 2021)