Ffl application fee refund

FFL Costs

  • By Ryan Cleckner
  • 122
  • Updated February 5
  • If you’re thinking about getting a federal firearms license (FFL), one of the first questions you may have is how much an FFL will cost.

    As a firearms attorney who’s represented and helped hundreds of FFLs against the ATF and who has helped thousands of people get their own FFL, I’m going to walk you through how much each type of FFL costs (including some cost you may no have thought of).

    The cost of your license will depend on a few factors like which FFL type you choose, but the overall fee also includes other variables such as renewal costs and whether you want to work with NFA firearms (silencers, short barreled rifles, and more).

    In this article, we’re going to cover:

    Table Of Contents
    1. Summary of FFL Costs
    2. Which FFL license type should you get?
    3. FFL Application Cost
    4. FFL Renewal Cost
    5. FFL Fees (Additional Costs)
    6. How Much Does an FFL cost?

    Summary of FFL Costs

    How much you’re going to pay to become a federal firearms licensee depends largely on what you want to do with your FFL.

    For example, if you want to be an FFL dealer so that you can buy and sell guns, or even charge a transfer fee for each firearm transfer, then you will likely get a Type 01 FFL which costs $200 for the first three years and only $90 for each three year renewal.

    However, if you want to manufacture guns, then the cost is $150 for the first three years and also for every three-year renewal thereafter.

    Summary of each FFL License Cost by Type:

    There are three main FFL costs to consider:

    1. The initial FFL license application cost
    2. The renewal cost for your FFL
    3. Cost of registering as an SOT (if applicable)

    A Type 1 Dealer’s license, the most common type of FFL, has a license cost of $200. The license is valid for three years. After that renewals for each subsequent three year period are $90.

    The next most common type of FFL, the manufacturer FFL, has a cost of $150 every three years.

    The cost for your initial Federal Firearms License, SOT registration, and other secondary costs can all depend on the FFL license type you want/need.

    Let’s look at the types of FFLs first to help determine what you might need.

    Which FFL license type should you get?

    There are currently 9 different types of Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) – these range from your typical gun dealer/gunsmith FFL (Type 1) all the way up to firearm manufacturer and importer FFLs.

    For a more information, see the article on FFL Types or, better yet, sign up for an online course to help you Get Your FFL.

    For a simplified break-down of which type of FFL allows which kind of gun or ammunition activity (dealer, gunsmith, pawnbroker, curio and relic C&R collector, manufacturer, or importer) please see the chart below.

    Note the columns, which help you to determine what each type of FFL will allow and which Class of SOT may be required. Only the Type 9, 10, and 11 FFLs can work with ‘Armor Piercing Ammunition’ and ‘Destructive Devices.’ Therefore, a Type 1 FFL can deal in standard firearms but not Armor Piercing Ammunition nor Destructive Devices. A Type 9 FFL, on the other hand, can.

    FFL License Types

    FFL License TypeFFL License PurposeSOT Class
    Type 01 FFLDealer/Gunsmith of Firearms3
    Type 02 FFLPawnbroker/Dealer of Firearms3
    Type 03 FFLCollector of Firearmsn/a
    Type 06 FFLManufacturer of Ammunitionn/a
    Type 07 FFLManufacturer/Dealer of Firearms and Ammunition2
    Type 08 FFLImporter/Dealer of Firearms1
    Type 09 FFL Dealer of Destructive Devices3
    Type 10 FFLManufacturer/Dealer of Destructive Devices2
    Type 11 FFLImporter/Dealer of Destructive Devices1

    Firearm Activity by FFL License Type

    FFL TypeFirearm DealerFirearm ManufacturerFirearm Importer
    Type 1 FFL X X
    Type 2 FFL X X
    Type 3 FFL X X X
    Type 6 FFL X X X
    Type 7 FFL X
    Type 8 FFL X
    Type 9 FFL X X
    Type 10 FFL X
    Type 11 FFL X

    The two most popular types of FFLs are the Type 1 dealer/gunsmith FFL and the Type 7 firearm manufacturer FFL.

    FFL Application Cost

    As you can see in the chart below, each FFL lasts for 3 years.

    Depending on which type you get, the FFL cost ranges from $30 to $3,000 for the first three years.

    Let’s cover the costs from least to most expensive. When you’re looking at the application fees, don’t panic! I’ll show you below how you can make back the cost of your FFL, and more, at the end of this article with your first two firearms!

    FFL LicenseApplicationRenewalYears
    Type 01$200$903
    Type 02$200$903
    Type 03$30$303
    Type 06$30$303
    Type 07$150$1503
    Type 08$150$1503
    Type 09$3,000$3,0003
    Type 10$3,000$3,0003
    Type 11$3,000$3,0003

    $30 application fee FFLs: These are the Type 3 and Type 6 FFL licenses. These are both unique because they may NOT be used for typical firearms transfers. The Type 3 FFL is called the “Curio & Relic Collector FFL” and is only used for . . . you guessed it . . . collecting curios and relics. Curios and relics are those firearms which meet one of the following criteria: