Bibliographic (or referencing) styles are files that are used to control the appearance of references in a bibliography, for example Harvard or APA. The name of the style refers to the journal or publisher that defined the bibliographic format. Styles can be modified and new styles can be created using EndNote's style editor. Additional styles and updates of styles can be downloaded from the EndNote Journal Styles page.
1. Click on your desired style
2. Choose the "open" or "open with.." option on your browser, and choose to open it with EndNote
3. The style then opens in EndNote - click on File - Save As - change the filename if you like (you can backspace over the word "copy" in the filename)
4. Click on Save
5. Close the Style using the X in the top right
6. Remember to choose your new style in both EndNote and Word
You can download the APA7th output style here.
Note: A known issue with APA7th style is the inclusion of the [Type of Article] field in the formatted Journal article reference: e.g.
Wantchekon, L., & Riaz, Z. (2019). Mobile technology and food access [Article] . World Development, 117, 344-356.
This field should not be displayed for most articles. You can removed it by editing the specific reference in EndNote. Open the reference in your EndNote library and delete the text in the Type of Article field:
Updated August 2017.
This style is based on the Publication Manual of the APA 6th ed., and modified by the University of Queensland (UQ) and SCU Library. Use in conjunction with the SCU APA6th Referencing libguide
Updated June 2022.
This style is based on the Australian Style Manual 7th ed, edited by Snooks & Co. and modified by the University of Queensland (UQ) and last updated by University of Newcastle Library, 18 January 2022 Use in conjunction with the SCU Library Harvard Referencing style libguide
** Please be advised Endnote does not allow for hyperlinking of titles. We recommend saving the document URL in the correct field (URL) to allow hyperlinking the title later in your word document **. Please discuss with your UA if using Harvard referencing.
Updated November 2017.
This style is based on the Australian Style Manual 6th ed, edited by Snooks & Co. (Call number 808.027 STYL) and modified by the University of Queensland (UQ) and SCU Library. Sometimes referred to as the AGPS style. Use in conjunction with the SCU Library Harvard Referencing style libguide
Edited March 2018.
This style has been adapted for use by SCU Environmental Science / Marine Science students.
The Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) guidelines apply to the following journals: Australian Journal of Agricultural Research; Australian Systematic Botany; Australian Journal of Botany, Marine & Freshwater Research; Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture; Australian Journal of Plant Physiology; Australian Journal of Soil Research; Reproduction, Fertility & Development; Australian Journal of Primary Health